
Growing Joyfully

Why do people give?

We give to BHPC because the church makes a difference in our life and the lives of our family and community. We give because we are grateful. We also want our personal financial decisions to reflect our faith and what we value.

Our church has very specific needs, and your financial support greatly influences our ability to meet those needs.

Thank you for helping our church, congregation, and mission thrive!

Many Ways to Give

BHPC appreciates all the ways you give of your treasure.

There are many ways you can give:

  • Cash or check through the offering plate on Sunday morning
  • Mailing checks to the church office
  • Through Realm online or the Realm Connector App on your smartphone
  • Texting your gift (Text “BHPC” to 73256)
  • Online giving
  • Gifting appreciated securities.

Leave a Legacy

The Lantern Legacy Circle was established to recognize those in our community who have expressed their faith and confidence in BHPC’s mission by taking the important step of including the church in their estate planning.

The Circle also includes those whose legacy gifts have been received and now are providing enduring support to the ministries of the church.

Being part of the Lantern Legacy Circle provides an important witness to the congregation. The names of the members of the Circle are occasionally listed in BHPC publications (we only publish the names of Circle members with their permission, in case they wish to remain anonymous).

What Is a Pledge?

A pledge is a promise between the giver and God, shared with the church for the purpose of being more faithful, accountable, and generous. Making a financial commitment is a spiritual discipline (like prayer or worship) to help us focus on God as a priority in our lives.

A pledge is also helpful to our church leadership as it enables them to plan with confidence, knowing your financial commitment will be there to fund our ministries for the coming year.

You can make a pledge to the church at any time. For more information on how to make a pledge, contact Jan Spencer, Director of Financial Ministries or call the church office at (301) 365-2850.

How Your Gifts Are Used

The church leadership works diligently to be good stewards of all its financial resources. See below to get a better understanding of how gifts to the operating budget are used to support our ministries.

Giving Frequently Asked Questions

How can I give electronically?

There are three ways that you can give electronically: On our website, through the Realm app, and by text message:
> Use the GIVE NOW button on the top right corner of the church website.
> Log into Realm from your Realm app. You may also log in from your computer. Click here to access Realm on your computer.
> Text “BHPC” to 73256 and follow the link.

What are my financial gifts being used for?

The Stewardship Lay Ministry and Finance Lay Ministry have created a resource for everyone who is interested on how their gifts are used. Click here to view How Your Gifts Are Used.

When can I drop a check off at the office?

We always accept checks by mail, but if you’d rather drop off a check at the office, our office hours are Tuesday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can also slip your check in the door slot of Door 4 (the Church Office door).